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MTBC Founder
Lead Instructor
CrossFit LV 1 - since 2008
CrossFit Kids - since 2008
CrossFit Olympic Lifting - since 2010

It seems like fitness has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in a small suburb of Boston, there wasn’t much to do, not even a movie theater. As a kid, you were either playing sports or probably getting into some kind of trouble—and there weren’t any computers to keep kids inside. Obesity wasn’t even a word in most people’s vocabulary.


Athletics never came natural to me like it did to some kids.  I always had to work a little harder and practice a little bit longer, just to be halfway decent…but I never gave up.  Except for a couple of years in college, there wasn’t a season that went by since third grade that I wasn’t playing some sport, be it baseball, soccer, basketball (which I’m horrible at), track and field, and crew. Not being a natural athlete has helped me to connect with clients of all skills and fitness levels.


After graduating in ’92 from Ithaca College (Go, Bombers!), I found myself uninterested in pursuing a career in my degree-related field of TV/Radio and wondering what in the world I was going to do.  In 1996, someone recommended I think about becoming a Personal Trainer. I never looked back.


In 2007, I decided to bring some boot camp-style training I had been doing over the years to Midtown Atlanta's Piedmont Park—so much fun. In 2008, I became the 4th CrossFit affiliate in the city of Atlanta. After almost nine years of operating a gym, I have shifted the focus of my CrossFit training back to individuals and small, private groups, under my new affiliate name, BeltLine CrossFit.


I look forward to working with you in helping you reach all of your health and fitness goals, whether working with you one on one, in a small group or with the great members of My Tribe Boot Camp Co. Together, we can get you there!


-- Mike


My Tribe Boot Camp Co.

Outdoor Group Fitness & Personal Training  •  (404) 926-6295

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