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211117 - WED NOV 17

Buy in: Trainer’s choice tabata ab work CONDITIONING 24 min. AMRAP: 20 squats 5 burpees 20 sit ups 5 burpees 20 alternating lunge steps (reverse or walking) 5 burpees 20 mountain climbers (20 reps per leg) 5 burpees 20m bear crawl (sub 4 bear crawl squares) 5 burpees 20 mountain climbers (20 reps per leg) 5 burpees 20 alternating lunges 5 burpees 20 sit ups 5 burpees (At 13 min. to go, pause for 250 or 400m run. After run, boot campers pick up where they left off.) Cash out: Trainer’s choice tabata ab work

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