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241018 - FRI OCT 18

Buy In (2:00): 1 min dive bomber pushups, 1 min bench dips WOD A 12 min AMRAP: With 3 people in a line complete the following: 1st person: Bear crawl 50m down and back. (sub: 4 bear crawl squares OR 4 crab walks around mat) 2nd person: Jumping Jacks 3rd person: 7 situps then rest At 4 and 8 minutes: 1 min bottom of pushup hold (2-3 in. off the ground) WOD B 12 min AMRAP: 1st person: 50m high knees going out, 50m butt kicks coming back 2nd person: hold something! plank, squat, v-situp, ground thrust, etc. 3rd person: 7 pushups then rest At 4 and 8 min: 1 min max scissor kicks Cash Out (4:00): Tabata V-sit ups, Hollow hold on breaks

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