MON JUL 9 – 180709MikeJul 9, 2018Buy in: Tabata Reverse Crunch with Hip RaiseWOD A (TRIS/SHLD)12 min. AMRAP:10 bench dips10 pike push ups50m runWOD BTabata Lying Leg RaiseWOD C (chest/back)10 min. AMRAP:8 plyometric push ups8 wall pull ups100m runCash out: Tabata V sit-ups
Buy in: Tabata Reverse Crunch with Hip RaiseWOD A (TRIS/SHLD)12 min. AMRAP:10 bench dips10 pike push ups50m runWOD BTabata Lying Leg RaiseWOD C (chest/back)10 min. AMRAP:8 plyometric push ups8 wall pull ups100m runCash out: Tabata V sit-ups
250313 - THU MAR 13Buy in: 100m shuttle (50m out/50m back) partner relay – tag off between run and crunch ankle touches until each has done both twice WOD A...
250312 - WED MAR 12Buy in: Tabata squats WOD A 12 min. AMRAP: 10 Star jumps 10 Burpees 200-250 meter run Pause at 6 min. for 30 v-situps WOD B 15 min....
250310 - MON MAR 10Buy in: Tabata star jumps OR hollow body rocks WOD A 10 min. AMRAP: 10 push ups 10 Renegade rows 10 burpees WOD B 12 min. AMRAP: 200m...